Honey and Spice Lychee Honey | Unprocessed Unfiltered Unpasteurized Monofloral | No Added Sugar or Jaggery Honey | Pure Lychee Honey | 500 Gm

Honey and Spice Lychee is a light amber-colored honey that comes from the lychee orchards in the Muzzafarpur region in Bihar Lychee Monofloral Honey flavor is delicately sweet & buttery. It may be good for blood circulation, stomach, and bone health issues faced by women & boost the body's immunity It is Unpasteurized, Unprocessed, and Unheated with no added artificial flavor, sugar, or colors Raw honey may have immense anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties to keep you healthy and disease-free should you consume it twice daily This honey is also extremely good for your skin. From treating acne to preventing premature aging, honey is very beneficial. Honey works wonders in improving skin complexion, curing acne, and treating dandruff