Honey and Spice Jamun Honey | Pure & Natural Honey Single Origin Unblended Premium Jamun Honey from The Nector of Jamun Flowers | No Added Sugar & Preservatives | 500 Gm

Jamun honey is uni-floral which means it contains predominantly the nectar of the Jamun flower. Jamun honey is unique in its taste because of the tinge of bitterness it carries The sweetness, sourness, and bitter tinge when combined make for a true surprise to your taste buds. Jamun honey has other surprises apart from its sweet-bitter taste The low glycemic index makes it suitable even for diabetics. All these benefits make Jamun Honey and truly unique and healing food Jamun honey is also extremely good for your skin. From treating acne to preventing premature aging, honey is very beneficial. Honey works wonders in improving skin complexion, curing acne, and treating dandruff Jamun Honey helps in curing cough and acts as a soothing agent for sore throats. It is scientifically proven that honey helps those suffering from an upper respiratory infection. During allergy season, a few teaspoons of raw honey a couple of times a day prevents allergy symptoms and helps in treating allergies