Yerba Mate-Tee El Pajaro Tradicional 1kg ● Natürliche paraguayische Yebra Mate Tee ● Geräucherte Mate-Tee ● Zusätzlich 50g Yerba Mate-Tee Mateine Caffeine ● Gemahlene Mate-Tee Blätter und Stöcke

content: traditional Yerba Mate with 65% of leaves and 35% stems, with some major traces of Dust. That is the Taste of True paraguayan Yerba Mate. lingering Taste: this Yerba Mate in Particular retains its flavor for a very long time as you Refill your gourd. It’s flavor is still powerful even at 7 Refills. semi-bitter Bliss: this Yerba is undoubtedly One of the best choices for Yerba Mate beginners. This is because It’s not as bitter as our offers for True Connoisseurs of Yerba. humanitarian Aid: by supporting El Pajaro YOU also support a humanitarian Organization that provides help for victims of natural disasters all over the world. third time's a Charm: remember, that for Classic Yerba Mate the first and the last filling are weakest in flavor. The most powerful Energy Boost is Most of the time in the first and Second Refill.